ISO-AID LLC is located in Santa Barbara on the central coast of California. Over the last ten years, ISO-AID LLC has worked with small and mid-sized companies in achieving ISO certification and maintaining Quality Management Systems through annual full-system process Internal Audits.

Industries served include medical device and in vitro diagnostic manufacturers, electronic manufacturers, and aerospace companies in the areas of ophthalmic implantable devices, testing devices, laboratory equipment and software, ophthalmic disposables, bioscience, surgical products, dentistry, finished pharmaceuticals, machine shops, contract manufacturers, extrusion, robotics, infrared test instrumentation, telemetry, electronics, touch screens, jet propulsion, and aerospace manufacturers and distributors.

The days are gone when an Internal Audit can be a simple *yes/no* checklist. Especially in highly regulated industries such as Medical Device and Aerospace, audits require evidence of what was reviewed.